Outdoor Music Festival-In Collaboration with Canada Bubble Tea Festival, InDonation Charity Foundation Present you with an Ourdoor Music Festival. THERE’S NOTHING LIKE A MUSIC FESTIVALFESTIVALS MUSIC ARE HAPPY PLACES, AND YOU DON’T REALLY WANTRead More...
Indonesia Cultural Day-Bringing hope, sharing loves.Every child deserves to receive love and chance.Lets help the abandoned children a hope and love that they never have.Lets joint our Indonesian cultural day to give back toRead More...
Gala Dinner 2021-Please come and join us in giving back to our community by helping people and providing hope for a better tomorrow The proceeds will go to : True North Aid, dedicated toRead More...
Our Mission for Christmas 2020-Lets give them hope for Inmates who feel that all been lost and forgotten by us . Donation accepted via : Gofundme : http://gf.me/u/y9vu3rEtransfer : indonation.charity@gmail.com For those who need Tax receipt ,Read More...
The Joy of Giving-Covid-19 has grown into a global pandemic. Providing food to those in needs can be difficult, especially for daily laborers who lost their daily income. InDonation is currently accepting donations to supportRead More...
Menjaga Senyum di Pantai Binongko – Labuan Bajo-Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) adalah propinsi paling Selatan di Indonesia. Diapit oleh Laut Flores di bagian Utara dan Samudera Hindia di sebelah Selatan, NTT mencakup 500 pulau dan terdiri dari 20 kota.Read More...
Menjadi Matahari-Matahari itu setia. Menyemburatkan sinar hangatnya setiap pagi. Menyapa apapun. Menjumpai sesiapapun. Menyapa burung Pipit, bunga Tapak Dara dan rerumputan yang masih basah oleh embun. Menjumpai langkah kecil anak-anak menuju sekolah, kucingRead More...
Being The Sun-The Sun is faithful. Present every morning to greet little singing birds, flowers and grass. Its warm light hugs anyone. A child that is ready to go to school, stray cats, andRead More...
Gala Dinner 2020-UPDATE: With Regret We are very sorry to inform all of you that One World, One Dream Gala Dinner which was scheduled on April 5 2020 has been postponed due to currentRead More...
Smiles from Binongko Beach – Labuan Bajo-East Nusa Tenggara (Nusa Tenggara Timur/NTT) is the southernmost province in Indonesia, facing the Indian Ocean to the South and the Flores Sea to the North. NTT consists of more than 500Read More...