Chairman of InDonation Charity Foundation

Dr Thomas Suleiman
is a Family Physician in Surrey B.C. , was born in Indonesia and educated in Germany and Canada. Dr. Thomas has been supporting many fundraising events and voluntarily donating his time and musical contribution to raise money for the most needy and unfortunate ones .When his friend Robert Prasetya invited him to take active part in his InDonation Charity Foundation , he has gladly welcome it and accepted his position as Chairman Board of Director for this new charity foundation.
President of InDonation Charity Foundation

Robert A.Prasetya
After Graduating from Technical School in San Francisco in 1972 , Robert and his wife Martina decided and moved to Vancouver BC and been living here in BC ever since. His Career started with CP Airline and latter on became Canadian Airline and Air Canada. He retired from Air Canada in Dec 2007 as an Inspector Crew Chief and Joint a new expanding company , Cascade Aerospace in Abbotsford as a Senior Avionics Engineer . He retired from Cascade Aerospace in Aug 2014 and dedicated his time in Fundraisings for the needy through Golf Tournament . In 2018 he and his team raised over $ 42000 through ASEAN Golf tournament , Lombok Fundraising for the Earthquake Victims and Palu Fundraising for the Tsunami Victim .It is his life time dream to set up his own Charity Foundation that drove him to set up InDonation Charity Foundation to help the poor , the orphanage and the disaster victims The tireless ex Indonesian National Track Team Member will keep on working to fulfill his dreams
Public Relation of InDonation Charity Foundation

Jacob graduated from University of South Alabama USA and Moved to Vancouver B.C. in 1981 and attended Columbia College. Presently He is Managing Director of PT. Cahaya Telaga Emas (Chemical Distribution Company ) and Theo Global Trade Ltd.Canada ( Sales & Services of Paper Industries ). Jacob is a familiar face among activist when it comes to Charity Fundraisings , and He is also a member of Canadian Alumni Association and Indonesian Canadian Chamber of Commerce .